
Applying novel and traditional techniques to turn

fisheries' problems into solutions

FSSA Modules

We build Fixed Station Sonar Assessment modules (FSSA) for Government Agencies such as EA and NE as well as for Universities, Rivers Trusts and other clients. These modules comprise of fully vented, tamper/vandal proof cabinets and can be provided complete and ready to go or with bare fittings, enabling the user to complete the fitting-out.

FSSA modules can be supplied as floating pontoon structures (pFSSA) to create powered, self-contained structures for  deployment on lakes and rivers away from land.

pFSSA's are designed to be quickly demountable from their moorings and with our in-situ sonar fixings, the whole outfit can be broken down for transportation to a new location within 10-15 minutes. The units are also suitable for towing with a boat.

The entire assembly can be broken down to their respective components for transportation off site or for swap-out following maintenance. Even the pontoon structure can be broken down to component parts for ease of storage or transport

FSSA modules can be configured for different monitoring equipment (RFID, Telemetry, Sonar, Camera, Bat detection etc) as well as for different power sources; utilising solar power via solar modules arrays and charge controllers to fuel cell technology, with a choice of mid or long-life fuel canisters. We can build automatic change-over functionality to permit consecutive use of multi-fuel canisters, extending running time even longer. Depending upon the system being run, sonar monitoring can be powered for 1-2 months continuously, meaning data storage is your only limiting factor, not power. We combine both technologies to provide even more robust system power for critical monitoring situations. Systems can be supplied bare-bones or fitted out to bespoke criteria.  All units come fitted with 1-2 multi-lever locks and spare key sets. We fit 1-2 gas or hydraulic struts to all lids (dependant upon size of enclosure) for ease of operation and inspection. Within reason, all module enclosures can be coloured to your own choice.

Remote Sonar Monitoring

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