
Applying novel and traditional techniques to turn

fisheries' problems into solutions

Fishtrack provides a complete ecological and environmental suite of services that are based upon fundamental holistic principles and underpinned by scientific rigour, driven by the increasing focus and need for conservation, ecological sympathies and environmental awareness, along with the requirements of sustainable development in a fast changing . Accordingly, we provide a diverse and extensive portfolio of services, ranging from:

Fisheries, both traditional and novel fisheries surveys and services such as:- electrofishing and seine netting, high resolution sonar, hydroacoustics and remote fish tracking using latest technologies, fish passage assessment and easement, eel surveys and passage, habitat evaluation and creation, spawning enhancement, advisory visits and management plans, river restoration and biomanipulation as well as data analysis and report production, fish ageing and growth rate analysis.

Planning and Development with the aim of reducing the environmental burdens on all planning and development projects through provision of a prompt, effective and professional service to all aspects of the development process involving the environment. These range from small domestic planning applications to industry driven development. We work with our clients to ensure compliance and advise on the most beneficially appropriate way forward, providing a net benefit to wildlife whilst facilitating responsible development.

Aquatic ecology incorporating surveys and laboratory work relating to:- zooplankton, including species identification, sample population counts, size frequency analysis; algae, species identification from our Midlands located laboratory, cell counts and Estuarine marine algae; identification of invertebrates including BMWP and ASPT scoring to ecological standards for water quality and fishery related assessments.

Terrestrial ecological surveys are carried out within the entire river corridor environment. Surveys range from:- water voles, badgers, otters and bats, to terrestrial invertebrates through to crayfish.  We are NE licensed native white clawed crayfish surveyors.  We provide suitable survey and reporting services to clients who's work may impact upon this habitat.

Fishtrack recognise there are specific requirements needed for some industry sectors. Accordingly, we provide tailored services, attentive to the needs and demands of these sectors. These are covered by three umbrella categories:

Civil Engineering sector, covering works within the river system or river corridor itself but also recognising the need for services for general aquatic environments throughout the UK.

Water Industry, encompassing all aspects of ecological and environmental monitoring and mitigation including Fisheries, Aquatic ecology, reservoir management, fish rescue and pollution responses (surveys and reporting), assessment of fishery status of lakes and reservoirs. We also undertake impact assessment and solutions for fish and eel passage along with survey design, data analysis, and full reporting.

Power Industry category covers companies involved in the creation and development of power throughout the UK. Our team are sensitive to the need of rapid response and quick turn-round of works including field work and reporting. You will be met with a quick response to calls for assistance with all aspects of ecological monitoring and mitigation. We ensure projects we are involved in deliver a net benefit to the environment and the wildlife within, whilst supporting the aims of our clients to achieve their own goals.

Fishtrack provide innovative solutions for the remote monitoring of wildlife. We design, develop, manufacture, and supply some of the latest monitoring and alternative power technologies.  We are recognised experts in remote telemetry and tracking fish movements and migrations . Our services also extend to full installation of equipment in the field on all projects, large or small. Our telemetry and remote monitoring services have ensured we are Nationally recognised within this field.  Our field teams are some of the best equipped and technologically advanced in the business, enabling us to deliver a fast, efficient, and effective service.

Ecological and Environmental Services